Sunday, 18 November 2012

skipping stones

When you're building something from scratch (a fort, a relationship, a meal, a career, a song, a story, a house, etc.) there are two things that are crucial:  first, that you can imagine & visualize the end result.  Second, that you accept the fact that if you can imagine it, it can really happen.  This can be a hard thing to remember during the Dark Months, when the sky is grey and energy is low.

I'm working on a variety of submissions right now; art projects for which I must generate new & brilliant ideas.  I often find it challenging to allow myself to dream big for these projects - my inner critic will be telling me to tone it down, not to get ahead of myself, to start small, etc.  But big dreams are what make all the difference in this life.  So, when I'm at this point in my process I seek inspiration anywhere & everywhere I can find it.  Frequently it's artwork  or artists I greatly admire, other times it's something ridiculous that just cracks me up, and sometimes, like right now, it's the great tunes on CBC radio 2 on a Sunday afternoon.

This morning I was reading some Deepak Chopra and his theory of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.  Sunday is the day of the Law of Pure Potentiality, a day of non-judgement, which was ideal for the brainstorming I needed to do today.  I took a drive to the shore & sat a while just looking at the water, coming in & pulling back, coming in & pulling back, the gentlest sound, the softest wind.  Found some perfectly flat and round stones, skipped them across the still surface of the water - always a miracle that it works, no matter how often I do it.  Reminding myself that if I can imagine it, it can happen. 

Monday, 12 November 2012

getting back on a speeding horse

abandoned tower, Sardegna - ml 2012

With the speed of life these days, I sometimes find keeping an up-to-date blog nearly impossible, but then there are all these highly active bloggers who have a bunch of children & a full-time job & still manage to post regularly.  So, here I am, getting back on the horse.  I have a bit of an excuse, seeing as I've had a whirlwind few months:  got married, took a 3 week honeymoon to Europe, installed an exhibition, and now I'm catching my breath.  While I do that, here are some links for you on a variety of topics:

getting started
setting goals
to relax
participate in a neat project
listen on a rainy day
Riding Icelandic ponies outside Reykjavik
And I'll get back to you sooner next time :)