Tuesday, 26 November 2013

this is november

monica lacey 2009
Winter.  Blargh.  Nothing to do but keep busy until there's enough snow to get out and play in it.  I've been keeping busy listening to mixtapes by DJ pals, enjoying fun DIY projects, and building some sliding barn doors for my studio.  I've also been successful in keeping a pledge I made to myself about a month ago:  to dance every week, one way or another.  It is working wonders in helping me to feel great about life on a continuous basis - I highly recommend it!

I recently found out I was successful in a proposal I submitted to create an artwork for the PEI Sesquicentennial Art Program, which is commissioning 23 artists to produce work for a collection celebrating the 150 year anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference.  It's a great commission and I am excited to get started.

Last weekend I spoke at an entrepreneurship forum hosted by the Falls Brook Centre and it was a great chance to speak about my work and talk with other folks running their own business or wanting to start one.

Currently I'm working on those barn doors (wait till you see them!), putting together a profile for Saatchi Online, a submission for Gallery Connexion, and for the PEI Art Bank. Lots to do! What dreary grey day?  I didn't even notice.

My inspirations du jour are taking many different forms:

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